Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Watch out!

I'm generally aware of my fellow passengers, which is probably why get so annoyed at everyone around me. There is one type of traveller I simply cannot understand, mainly because it looks like such an exhausting ordeal I wonder why they would want to put themselves through it.

You know the type, you can spot them a mile away, they come armed with Ribena, Walkers crisps and crying babies. They are usually pushing a pram with 14 bags on the handles, 7 packages of diapers under the seat and a kid trying to escape they chains, straps and pad locks holding it down in the pram, and as soon as they do escape like Houdini the pram falls over from the weight of all those bags. Bags Bags Bags that get caught everywhere, is in every ones ways and some how seems to contain NOTHING!

I could go on and on about the child rearing techniques these people seem to be in favour of, but that is better suited for a different blog, but I do wonder what they are thinking when trying to travel in rush hours with enough baggage and snacks to take them around the world and babies so full of sugar they are almost shaking.

...and why do you want to do it to me?

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