Tuesday 17 June 2008

Good Morning London!

So, you've had your shower, got your clothes on, grabbed your umbrella and heading out the door for another exciting day in the hustle and bustle of London Town. You head towards your local tube station with that same slight nervous, anxious feeling and your lovely morning grumpiness not quite sure what to expect. You don’t quite know where you might end up or how long it will take you to get there all you know if that is will cost you a fortune, make you warm up and get uncomfortably close to your fellow Londoners. You are about to experience one of London’s greatest little adventures - Transport for London! Another day another TFL adventure!

The lovely thing about using TFL’s services is that you never can be sure what is going to happen, you might think you’re going home but before you know it, TFL has decided you make you evening into another little adventure. And they always seem to pick those precious moments you’re really reeeaaaally in a hurry or when you’re dying to get home because you’re desperate for a pee and so tired you could cry.

I have therefore decided to dedicate this blog to this fantastic public transport service. Enjoy and feel free to contribute with your own experiences in the comments!

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